till has been a dedicated dop for well over a decade, bringing a wealth of experience and a down-to-earth attitude to his work. beyond being a tech enthusiast, till enjoys connecting with people and illuminating them in the perfect light.
his journey has taken him far and wide, allowing him to work on a diverse range of projects, from commercials to music videos and documentaries.
as a certified '90s kid, till's skateboarding escapades shaped his laid-back nature. after an injury, he switched his board for a camera and developed an ambitious passion for capturing the spirit of skateboarding. while his daredevil days might be behind him, the quest for that perfect shot still keeps him going.
off-camera, till spends most of his time with his little family, exploring the green areas of berlin.
iu academy | dir: fernandez gebauer + axel lerner | p: instant waves media
spd | dir: sander | p: cray cray tv
xiaomi | dir: claus kuhlmann | p: boheifilm
zdf | dir: claus kuhlmann | p: boheifilm
mey | dir: tim steffan | p: bär tiger wolf gmbh
netzte bw | dir: christopher mosselman | p: panama werbeagentur gmbh
porsche | dir: victor goico | p: studio goico gmbh
mercedes benz | dir: hendryk witscherkowsky | p: fischerappelt, play
wgv versicherung | dir: philipp detterer | p: 5ter stock gmbh
g.shock | dir: martin tamba & jochen stuible | p: montavia filmproduktion
procter & gamble | dir: tim steffan | p: bär tiger wolf gmbh
mercedes benz | dir: stephan vollmer | p: blubb.media
srh | dir: tim steffen | p: bär tiger wolf gmbh
the lindau spirit | dir: dennis scherr | p: filmakademie baden württemberg
zolar | dir: axel lerner | p: instand waves media gmbh
mercedes benz | dir: stephan vollmer | frontal film
olymp x bausa | dir: martin tamba & jochen stuible | p: two directors productions
ravensburger | dir: henryk witscherkowsky | p: m.a.r.k.13
hallesche versicherung | dir: stephan vollmer | p: frontalfilm
ministerium f. verkehr (bw) | dir: andreas köller | p: die wegmeister gmbh
srh | dir: tim steffen | p: bär tiger wolf gmbh
fischer | dir: andreas köller | p: 70 steps
mercedes benz | dir: björn fischer | p: fischerappelt, play gmbh
mercedes benz | dir: maximilian buck | p: fischerappelt, play gmbh
vodafone | dir: milos savic | p: walking on the moon gmbh
hugo boss | dir: claus kuhlmann | p: boheifilm gmbh
lidl | dir: henryk witscherkowsky | p: m.a.r.k.13
vw | dir: henryk witscherkowsky | p: jangled nerves gmbh
mercedes benz eq | dir: milos savic | p: fischerappelt, play gmbh
belfius | dir: andreas köller | p: goodfilm gmbH
deutsche bahn | dir: gerd gaudig | p: fischerappelt, play gmbh
swt strom | dir: tim steffan | p: bär tiger wolf gmbh
herrenknecht | dir: uli matheus | p: emenes gmbh
zf ag | dir: alexis jentzsch | p: fahrwerkfilm gmbh
nissan | dir: steffen hacker & alex kiesl | mackevision medien design
kärcher | dir: marc schleiss | p: emenes gmbh
junghans | dir: milos savic | p: emenes gmbh
fc bayern münchen | dir: andeas köller | p: gewi film
daimler ag | dir: tim steffan | p: bär tiger wolf gmbh
bosch | dir: steffen hacker & alex kiesl | p: unexpected gmbh
ihk | dir: andreas köller | p: imagestorm gmbh
mercedes benz | dir: simon x rost | p: blubb. media
lidl | dir: joerg kuebler | p: imagestorm gmbh
man | dir: harald singer | p: exponent 3 gmbh
dhl | dir: tim steffan | p: jung von matt
.....and more
ssio | dir: chehad abdallah | p: doity produktion gmbh
specter | dir: specter | p: umlaut film
shindy | dir: lukas schwan | p: lukas schwan
romano - sex auf dem mond | dir: sascha kuznia | cray cray productions
kontra k - summertime | dir: specter berlin | p: letzte wölfe gmbh
kontra k - der letzte tag | dir: specter berlin | p: letzte wölfe gmbh
shindy - geld macht jung | dir: shindy | p: oki films gmbh
twocolours x safri duo - cynical | dir: specter berlin | p: drknsd
elisa valeri - spaß & Probleme | dir: martin tamba & jochen stuible | p: two directors productions
losboi lino - männer | dir: katrin sikora | p: aexel film
bodyformus - schiebe filme | dir: milos savic | p: milos savic produktion
shindy | dir: milos savic | p: milos savic produktion
bausa - tempomat | dir: adal giorgis | p: 1 take films
haftbefehl - kmdf | dir: milos savic | p: milos savic produktion
vanessa mai feat. olexesh - wir 2 immer 1 | dir: jan wittekindt & ruben
kempter | p: wirschneidengold
fc bayern münchen | dir: thomas gemeinwieser | p: gewi film
...and more
messe münchen | dir: götz hudelmaier | p: fragment film
haus der bayrischen geschichte | dir: mark schleiß | p: jn jangled nerves gmbh
european patent office | dir: harald singer | p: exponent 3 gmbh
britax römer | dir: milos savic | p: emenes gmbh
mercedes benz | dir: andreas roos | p: jangled nerves gmbh
mercedes benz | dir björn fischer | p: fischerappelt, play gmbh
daimler ag | dir: tim steffan | p: bär tiger wolf gmbh
thyssen krupp steel | dir: marc schleiss | p: jangled nerves
carl zeiss | dir: sabine ranft | p: storymaker gmbh
...and more
documentary films
baden gegen württemberg | dir: andreas köller | p: eikon media gmbh
börchen spielt jetzt | dir: katrin sikora | p: aexel film
fenstervisite | dir: katrin sikora | p: corsofilm
geheime ddr bunker | dir: andreas köller | p: doclights gmbh
wie ist die welt so stille | dir: katrin sikora | p: aexel film
das junghans wunder | dir: christian gropper | p: gropperfilm gmbh
.... and more
short films
wegen hegel | dir: popo fan | p: 70 steps
le normcore | dir: katrin sikora | p: aexel film